Viewing physical changes, in real time, as they are taking place along a countries border, can always be fascinating. Especially if it’s taking place along a fascinating border like the Israeli Syrian border in the Golan Heights.
A tremendous amount has been said and written regarding the Civil War in Syria, over the last several years. What started it, who is against who, Israel’s response out of self defense, the IDF’s medical humanitarian aid and Israel’s initiated attacks in an attempt to stop Iran from gaining a foothold in the region.
In this video we see another angle of this potentially volatile border. Tractors, on the Israeli side, are creating a rampart made out of dirt. it runs parallel to the already existing border fence. The rampart is west of the fence, on the Israeli side. The purpose of this new development is twofold.
1- Protecting Israeli Army patrols that are driving along the border. This is very important with the recent developments of Iranian backed attempts, through their Hizbullah proxies, to gain a foothold on this border. Back in the summer of 2006, an Israeli Army patrol was attacked by a Hizbullah ambush on the Lebanese border. Soldiers were then killed & kidnapped, sparking the second Lebanon war.
2- Stopping attempts of a mass of people from managing to break through the border. Large earth ramparts have been built outside of the Gaza Strip for this purpose. Breaching the Syrian border and having terrorists make their way into the Golan Heights, would be an imminent danger to both Israeli soldiers & civilians.
The fact that I was there and saw this change taking place with my own two eyes, was fascinating.